
What is Mediation?

Collaborative Divorce

Mediation is a voluntary process by which a neutral third party works with you and your spouse to reach a mutually acceptable agreement regarding all aspects of your divorce. The mediator assists you in identifying the issues, reducing misunderstanding, clarifying priorities, exploring areas of compromise and finding points of agreement. The mediator does not tell you how you should resolve those issues, but rather helps you and your spouse find your own way to compromise.

Even though your mediator is an attorney, in the role of mediator, they cannot give legal advice to either party. They can, however, give legal information to both parties as may be necessary for you and your spouse to make informed decisions.

Mediation is a confidential process. This allows you and your spouse to speak freely and offer creative ideas and solutions that may lead to an agreement without the threat of something that is said later being used against you in court.

How Does it Work?

You and your spouse will meet with the mediator together. You can meet for as many sessions as are needed to reach an agreement on the issues in your divorce. Both parties agree that they will not file any motions or seek any court intervention while you are still engaged in the mediation process. Either you or your spouse can terminate the mediation process at any time.

What are the Benefits?

Mediation is often times much more cost effective than the traditional litigation process. It allows you and your spouse to maintain control over the outcome of your divorce. When agreements are reached outside of court, you are less likely to return to court for future disputes related to custody and parenting time.
